"...you did it for Me".
Street Ministry
"I was hungry, and you, and you gave me food.Thirst, and you gave me drink, homeless and you gave me shelter." (Mt 25,35)
We are impelled by the Holy Spirit to preserve and to fulfill the words of Jesus, to go out to the poor wherever they may be. In our street ministries, we go to the streets, under bridges, parks, and anywhere that we have the opportunity to talk, pray, and also spend time in a more concrete way by cutting hair, trimming beards, and giving first-aid...We also shelter our homeless brothers and sisters in our mission houses that we call " House of passage." where they are sheltered with dignity of children of God.
Prison Ministry
"I was in prison, and you came to visit me” (Mt 25,37)
In diverse cities of 14 countries, make visits to the prisons, jails, and juvenile detention centers, seeking to take what every human being has the right to and no one can take away: hope.
In these places that are often synonymous with death and violence, the brothers and sisters take to those incarcerated with love, mercy, a little bit of peace, and the rescue of their dignity.
With them, have conversations, sing, and share the Word of God following moments of prayer.
Magdalena Ministry
Jesus, who gazed with mercy upon all, inspires us as we go out to the women and girls who, for various reasons, find themselves in the situation of prostitution, using their bodies as a way to survive.
Our Community goes out to these women, who suffer so much from rejection and humiliation, taking the Word of God that consoles, comforts, and gives them back the capacity to live with dignity.
For all who embrace the faith in Jesus Christ, salvation is secured thanks to the mercy of him who said: “I can guarantee this truth: Tax collectors and prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you” (Mt 21, 31).
Be Sober
Always seeking to attend to the cry of those who suffer, our Fraternity, since its beginning, referred to those who suffer from addictions as “Favored Children,” for “Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did for me.” (Mt 25,40).
One of these cries is because of the scourge of drugs…
Responding to this cry, our Fraternity dedicated ourselves to ministering to these brothers and sisters with groups of assistance, shelter, prevention, and reintegration of our “Favored Children” who have chemical dependencies.
We hold retreats for young people at risk, such as drugs, prostitution, and delinquency. Such retreats are intended to provoke in these young people an encounter with Christ and his restorative love. There are also those other young people who have not come to make use of any substance, and who when participating in the meeting perceive the evil they can bring to their youth.
The fact is that all these young people participating in the Rescue me, after having this strong experience with God, become preachers for other young people who are in the same situation in which they were. The meeting is done by them with the help of the religious community. They are young people evangelizing young people. Young people are also invited to participate in the various activities of the communities, such as ministries and evangelization.
Retreat and follow-up to help people who have difficulties in their marital relationship. Based on the very relationship of the Holy Trinity, couples are invited to bring the love and care that God himself teaches us into their lives.
Monthly meetings and personal accompaniment lead couples to a new step in spirituality, restructure their marriage and build their home on the rock.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Mt 19.14)
Spiritual and catechetical accompaniment for children from 6 to 12 years, through retreats, dynamics, adorations and various other events.
We understand the child as a person in formation, with capacities that need to be developed, organized and stimulated. They may even be small to receive from God, through evangelization, support, and the basis for their whole life. We began from childhood to generate mature adults, restored to become living witnesses of the Gospel.
Evangelization & Worship
“ Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”. (I Cor 9.16)
The ardor of the proclamation of the Gospel of St. Paul serves as an example to be followed. Increasingly, we want the Church to be faithful, to proclaim the Gospel with zeal and ardor where it is needed.
The community is always available to announce the word of God. In addition to retreats, we help various groups and parishes to promote formative retreats, spirituality, and first announcements. In addition to many other activities such as adorations and praises.