Help us
“The generous will be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” (Pr 22, 9).
If you went to the link that speaks about our mission, you learned that we often go out to the streets, the prisons, the drug areas, the harlots, the villages, to proclaim the Gospel that nourishes hope, which frees us from personal and social ills and saves; that we welcome in our homes all those who need an opportunity to get out of the situation of addiction and indigence; that through a spiritual, therapeutic and pedagogical process we help hundreds of men and women to restart their lives, reinserting them in the world of work and restoring their ties with the family.
Many of the pregnant women on the street and drug use did not abort and were able to raise their children because they were welcomed by us.
Many were the elderly who could be welcomed from the streets, some only to die with dignity.
Many were the young people who were saved from trafficking and a life of violence and danger.
Many were the children who could be saved from hunger and malnutrition. And that was only possible thanks to your help.
Thank you to all of you who believe in our cause and for that very reason we ask you to continue to help us. To you who are having a first contact with us, welcome. We hope you will join us and, with your input, help us continue to do good.
Donate groceries, donate cleaning and toiletries, donate clothes, toys, contribute financially to this Work of evangelism and help us save one more!
Checks to:
Poor of Jesus Christ
2226 Troup Ave, Kansas City, KS